General Rules of
the Library:
entering the library, books (not belonging to the Library), all
sorts of bags, umbrellas, packets etc. are to be deposited in
the property counter against a token to be issued for the
A member will
have to show the Membership Card/ Identity Card/ Gate Pass at
the entrance whenever he/she wants to enter the Library.
entering the Library the Gate Register is to be signed legibly.
In case of loss of property tokens a charge of Rs. 5.00 shall be
Books treated
as 'Reference' are not issued on loan. Current issues of
Periodicals will not be issued. Bound Volumes of journals may be
issued with permission from the Librarian.
Books on loan
with members can be recalled by the Librarian at any time.
Borrowers must
satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the book
before borrowing, otherwise they will be held responsible for
any damage or mutilation noticed at the time of returning.
An overdue
charge of Rs. 1.00 for a Text Book and 50.00 Paise for a general
book per day shall be levied on a member other than teachers and
officers, if a book is kept beyond the period of loan. The
period of loan can be extended by the Librarian, on individual
cases. The overdue fines may be reduced or waived by the
Librarian on very special cases only.
If a borrower
fails to return a book borrowed by him/her or if the book is
found to be damaged or mutilated he/she will be required to
either (a) replace the book with a new copy or (b) pay Ten times
on the publisher's price of the book.
The members
will get at the time of membership as many 'Reader's Ticket' as
the number of books they are eligible to borrow.
10. While
borrowing book/s, a student member must produce his/her Identity
Card & Reader's Ticket/s at the Issue Counter.
11. The Membership
Card and Reader's Ticket are not transferable.
12. Overwriting on
the Reader's Ticket or Membership Card is not permissible.
13. In no case the
expiry date of student Reader's Ticket shall be extended.
14. If a Reader's
Ticket or the Membership Card gets lost or mutilated because of
use or otherwise, it should be reported to the Librarian
immediately. A duplicate Reader's Ticket/ Membership Card will
on prayer be issued on payment of
Rs. 10.00. The member however will continue to be responsible
for any loss which the Library may suffer through the loss or
misuse of the Ticket or Card.
15. Students are
to return books within two weeks' time immediately after their
final examination is over, failing which they will be declared
library defaulter.