Deb Kumar Chakraborty

Deb Kumar Chakraborty
Deb Kumar Chakraborty



  1. Bachelor’s Degree : Gauhati University, 1994
  2. Master’s Degree : Gauhati University, 1998
  3. Ph.D.: Gauhati University, 2007

Professional Experience:

  • 17 years in Teaching

Areas of Interest/ Specialization:

  • Econometrics, Industrial Economics, Regional Economics

Research Projects:


Name of the project


Funding agency

Amount Sanctioned

Tribal Development in North East India





1.05 Crore

Border Tourism in North East India




5.45 lakh

Self-Learning Materials for the Post-Graduate Learners of Economics under the Directorate of Distance Education, Dibrugarh University: an Evaluative Study




0.55 lakh

A Study on the Potentials and Problems of Tourism Development in the Indo-Myanmar Border along the Stilwell Road



UGC (under Area Studies Programme)

0.70 lakh

Prospects of Border Trade between India and Myanmar: a Case Study of Nampong Trading Point



UGC (under Area Studies Programme)

0.70 lakh


Consultancy Projects:

Name of the project


Funding agency

Amount Sanctioned

Need Assessment Study and Social Audit of the CSR Initiatives of the Oil India Limited, Duliajan



Oil India Limited

12 lakhs

Baseline Study for Dairy Development Project in Upper Assam




3.73 lakh


Administrative Assignments:

  • Head, Department of Economics, Dibrugarh University
  • Co-ordinator, UGC Centre for Studies on Bangladesh & Myanmar, Dibrugarh University
  • Co-ordinator, DRS-III, SAP, Department of Economics, Dibrugarh University



Research Publications:

  1. “Why Arunachal Pradesh's Social Sector Development is Asymmetrical: A Cross-district Investigation”, Social Change (ISSN 0049-0857), 46(2), 2016, pp. 1-17.
  2. “Community Based Tourism towards Sustainable Tourism Development: A case Study of the Stakeholders in the River Island Majuli”, European Academic Research (ISSN 2286-4822), Vol. II, Issue 1, April 2014, pp.941-969
  3. “Causality between Financial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from an Indian State”, The Romanian Economic Journal (ISSN 1454-4296), Vol. XV, No. 45, 2012, pp. 27-48.
  4. “Performance of the Employment Exchanges in Assam: a Comparative Analysis”, The Indian Journal of Labour Economics (ISSN 0971-7927), Vol. 53, No. 4, 2010, pp. 671-676.
  5. “Employment through the Employment Exchanges in Assam: an Econometric Analysis”, Indian Journal of Regional Science (ISSN 0046-9017), Vol. XXXX, No. 2, 2008, pp. 21-25.
  6. “Sustainable Development and the Philosophy of Grand National Happiness: Socio-Economic and Genetic Paradigm”, ABAC Journal (ISSN 0858-0855), Vol. 28, No. 1, 2008, pp. 1-12.

Books and Book Chapters:

  1. “Growth and Diversification of Agriculture in the North East India”, in Bagchi, K.K. (ed.), Agricultural Development in North-East India: Issues and Options (ISBN 978-81-89886-44-8), Abhijeet Publications, Delhi, 2008, pp. 112-122.
  2. “Banking in Arunachal Pradesh-Current Scene and Prospects”, in Sharma, M. (ed.), Economy of Arunachal Pradesh (ISBN 978-81-86307-18-2), DVS Publishers, Guwahati, 2008, pp. 76-84.
  3. “Spatial and Temporal Variations in Institutional Credit Flow to the Rural sector of North East India” in Bordoloi, G. (ed.), Grassroots Institutions, Rural Development and Environment Management in North East India (ISBN 81-88866-15-6), K.B. Publications, Guwahati, 2005, pp. 97-103.
  4. “Institutional Credit Flow to the Rural sector of North East Region”, in Gogoi, J.K. (ed.), Rural Indebtedness in North East India, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, 2004, pp. 33-44.
  5. “The Social Infrastructure in Assam: Achievements, Challenges and Strategies”, in Behera, M.C. (ed.), Northeast and Globalisation: Issues Betwixt and Between (ISBN 978-81-86307-47-2), DVS Publishers, Guwahati, 2013, pp. 363-377.

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