Welcome Message
Esteemed Colleagues / Friends,
Our greetings from Dibrugarh University. We announce with great pleasure that Dibrugarh University is organizing an International Conference on “Harnessing the sub-Himalayan Plant Diversity for Human Welfare” during 11 – 13 March 2015. This conference is an important event being organized by this easternmost University during the year of its Golden Jubilee.
As we all are aware of the unique and rare plant biodiversity of the sub-himalayan region where our University is also located, we strongly feel that this enormous natural wealth needs to be utilized in a sustainable manner for human welfare. . The conference, which is expected to bring together a number of eminent scientists from the country and abroad shall provide platform for interactions on the relevant issues and contemporary trends in drug discovery from plant sources highlighting the focus on the potentials of sub-Himalayan plant diversity.
There will be key-note lecture, plenary lectures, invited special lectures and other presentations that are expected to provide useful directions towards harnessing the potential of the sub-Himalayan flora for discovery and developments of drugs to combat several life threating and debilitating diseases. We cordially invite academicians, scientists, researchers, R&D representatives from pharmaceuticals industries, and students to the conference for their active participation.
With warm regards and best wishes,
Organising Committee