Workshop on ‘Outcome Based Accreditation for Undergraduate Engineering Programs’


A two days workshop on ‘Outcome Based Accreditation for Undergraduate Engineering Programs’ was held at Dibrugarh University Institute of Engineering and Technology (DUIET), Dibrugarh University from 23rdto 24th March, 2018 organized by DUIET in association with the National Project Implementation Unit (NPIU), a unit of MHRD. The workshop was held under aegis of the Technical Education Quality Improvement Program-III (TEQIP-III) with an objective to improve the quality of the technical education in the DUIET by incorporating best practices followed in global technical education. The workshop introduced ‘Outcome Based Education’ (OBE) to the faculty members and other officials of the management of the DUIET.

Professor L. Ravi Kumar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BMS College, Bangalore and an expert from National Board of Accreditation had conducted the workshop in the presence of the NPIU consultant Mr. Rakesh Passah, who is a Nodal Officer/ Consultant - Monitoring and Evaluation, SPIU-Northeast.

‘Outcome Based Education’ is an educational model where a student shall have to achieve a goal by the end of the educational experiences. A learner-oriented teaching learning process, Outcome Based Education was accepted internationally under the Washington Accord to build the graduates with skill, knowledge and attitude to become more efficient and employable and to increase the mobility between the Washington Accord signing countries. Requirements and criteria for successful attainment of accreditation were discussed with Professor Pramathesh Bhattacharya, Director, DUIET, HoDs of the respective branches and faculty members of DUIET.

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