Keeping the Swachh Bharat Mission ODF targets by October 2019 in mind the chief coordinators of SBM team, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh under the guidance of the Nodal Officer, Dibrugarh University, PHED officials and with the help of Adolescent Girls Club members conducted a two days household survey at Jalan Nagar Tea Estate on 13th and 14th December, 2018 in association with the Tea Garden Management Authority. Around 100 households is surveyed out of 154 households on 13th and the rest on 14th December 2018. It is observed in the survey that most of the people have their own toilets either self constructed or constructed by the Tea Garden Management Authority. But it is to be mentioned here that maximum existing toilets in the households needs to be repaired or reconstructed due to the problems relating to the pit of the toilets, as 2 to 4 toilets are connected to one common pit. People uses these toilets in winter season, but the condition worsens in the summer when flood affects the whole area of the Jalan Nagar. During floods, all the people, no matter having toilets or not, has to go to the open when nature calls. A few number of household do not have their own toilets and they are eagerly waiting for the community toilet to be constructed very soon.