The Dibrugarh University Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) team, with the intent of spreading awareness on hygiene and cleanliness among school children, on Feb’12, had organized a Hand Washing program, here, at Rowmari Kachari Gaon Primary School. On Tuesday, DU Key Resource Centre and the SBM Team Coordinators took up the initiative for educating the students of the school on benefits of hand washing in their day to day lives.
A total of 40 students actively participated in the aforesaid program in presence of the School Headmaster, teachers and the SBM team members. Aimed towards giving away lessons on health advantages to the school children, the Chief Coordinators demonstrated the few basic rules of hand washing and made them understood how after and before every meal, they must wash their hands to prevent many stomach related bacterial diseases like diarrhea, cholera, dysentery.
The students were later made to wash their hands with Handwash and they very well adopted the skill, making the program a success. The program that was undertaken by SBM team members within the school premises, was immensely praised by the concerned Primary School Headmaster and the teachers present.